Fuyo Lease Group’s CSV Management

Approach to CSV Management

As climate change, resource problems, and a host of social issues are growing more serious, the business environment is changing rapidly, leading to change in the requirements of stakeholders and the role that the Fuyo Lease Group is expected to play. Through CSV management, the Group aims to realize social value (resolution of social issues) and corporate value (profit growth) simultaneously in order to help resolve major issues facing society as represented by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, by continuously creating new value from a CSV perspective, we will be able to grow sustainably even in an uncertain business environment, helping to increase the Group’s corporate value over the medium to long term, and ultimately realizing the Group’s mission. Through management centered on CSV, the Fuyo Lease Group will resolutely strive to create new value by further expanding and evolving its business domains, contributing to the realization of a prosperous society and sustainable growth.

An explanation of the CSV management concept at Fuyo Lease. The Fuyo Lease Group's CSV management is considered to simultaneously realize social value through its core business, and to become a member of a system that aims to create a good society that is growing sustainably, and to become a leader in resolving social issues. To this end, the creation of shared value through business involves ``realizing corporate value, or corporate profit,'' ``realizing social value, or solving problems,'' and ``realizing CSV management and the human resources and organization necessary to create sustainable value.'' It consists of three parts: 1. Establishment of systems such as governance and governance. This CSV management of the Fuyo Lease Group will lead to improving corporate value over the medium to long term, achieving sustainable growth, and contributing to a sustainable society through the creation of social value. We are boldly taking on the challenge of creating new value through expansion of our field and further evolution, which will lead to contributing to the realization of a prosperous society and sustainable growth.

Organizational and Structural Support for Sustainable Value Creation

Realizing sustainable growth through CSV management requires a system of human resources, organizations and governance to be built. The Fuyo Lease Group has formulated “Basic Policy on Systems that Support Sustainable Value Creation,” which includes responding to climate change, respect for human rights, human resource strategy to enhance value, contributing to the community, approach to risk, and ensuring compliance. Through the implementation of this policy, we are building a strong foundation for promoting CSV management.

CSV Promotion System

To promote sustainability and CSV-related initiatives, the Group established the CSV Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the executive officer who is head of management departments, and has members made up of the heads of major departments in the corporate division and heads of departments responsible for each business domain. The committee formulates, promotes, and monitors strategies, indicators, and targets related to important issues concerning sustainability and CSV, and discusses matters such as materiality and progress on non-financial targets in the Medium-term Management Plan. The content of discussions and reports of the committee are submitted to the Executive Committee for deliberation, and the overall sustainability and CSV policy for the Group, and the status of progress, are reported at least once a year to the Board of Directors.

CSV Promotion Structure

Major Matters Discussed in the CSV Promotion Committee

The CSV Promotion Committee met three times in fiscal 2022 and deliberated and reported on matters such as the Group’s value creation story and materiality, progress toward non-financial targets and planned response for the following fiscal year.

Major discussions and reports in fiscal 2022


  • Main response items in the fiscal 2022 Integrated Report
  • The Fuyo Lease Group’s value creation story and materiality (important issues to be addressed)
  • Report on environmental performance for fiscal 2021


  • Progress on non-financial targets and expected final results
  • Progress of management strategies in the Medium-term Management Plan


  • Expected full-year performance on non-financial targets
  • Revised plan for fiscal 2023

Understanding of CSV in the Group

To create shared value, all employees of the Group need to understand the concept of CSV, support the concept, and put it into practice. In fiscal 2022, we conducted “Fuyo Vision×My Vision,” a workshop for all employees of Group companies in Japan. The workshop deepened understanding of, and empathy for, the Group's CSV management and its Mission, Vision and Value by comparing the visions (desired way of existence) of the Group and those of individual employees.

Regarding the internal understanding of CAV and Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV), 4.38 out of 5 respondents said that their understanding of the group vision deepened through participation in the workshop. In-house level of understanding of CSV and the Mission, Vision, and Value
A workshop in progress