The Fuyo Lease Group believes that its people, i.e., its employees, are its greatest asset, and serve as the foundation for the Group’s sustainable value creation. Based on this belief, we are actively investing in our human resources. We believes it is important to respect each individual and their individuality and to enable them to feel satisfied and perceive the significance of work. We aspire to help our employees to grow through their work and to live an emotionally and physically fulfilling life.
We believe the Group will be able to achieve sustainable growth by facilitating the growth of each employee and enabling them to perform to the best of their talent and ability.
Our efforts related to investment in human resources are based on the following three pillars: strategic human resources development, diversity and inclusion, and health and productivity management & work-life balance.
For information on our initiatives regarding diversity and inclusion, health and productivity management, and work-life balance, please see below.
Strategic Human Resources Development
To live up to our corporate slogan of “Go Where No One Has Gone Before,” the Fuyo Lease Group has encouraged its employees to be autonomous human resources who think for themselves, act proactively, and are committed to personal growth. In the future, employees will be encouraged to develop into human resources with high levels of expertise in each business domain and the ability to create high added value in each area, in order to achieve the medium-term management plan through fiscal 2026 with CSV at the core, and to realize the Mission and Vision for 2030 and beyond. To maximize our support for employees’ development into the human resources we seek, we are actively investing in human resources, with a target of increasing human resource development expenses (non-consolidated) 300% by fiscal 2026 compared to fiscal 2021.
Human resource development expenses increased 188% in fiscal 2022 and are projected to increase 210% in fiscal 2023.
We made changes to our human resources system in July 2019 and adopted the concepts of “converting a job function or ability-based system where a generalist serves as a role model into a varied, multi-track, job duty-based system,” and “providing a framework which enables employees to achieve personal development and to expand the scope of their duties in the long term.” In addition to changing the job description of clerical track to administrative track, the system also has been changed to encourage employees not only to aspire to be a section manager, who had been served as role models, but also to strive for even higher positions such as departmental manager. We encourage employees to independently develop their career plans and we make efforts to offer them rewards that commensurate with the roles they play and the duties they perform in their respective areas.
The Company's performance in terms of compensation and training (fiscal 2022) is as follows.
1.Results in terms of treatment
Average employee salary: 8.73 million yen
2.Results in terms of development
Human resource development expenses: 145 million yen
Dispatch of trainee to overseas subsidary: 6 people
Dispatch of employees for training in Japan for educational purposes (including secondment): 13 people
Developing autonomous human resources
We will increase the autonomy of human resources through initiatives to improve the leadership skills of supervisors and to foster self-awareness among employees.
Initiatives to strengthen guidance and development
Management training is held every year primarily for newly appointed assistant managers and section chiefs. With change accelerating in the business environment, the training involves lively discussions facilitated by outside instructors on how to face this change, in terms of both job achievement and human resources development, based in part on the results of surveys of upper-level managers and workplace members. Through the training, participants work to further improve their management skills.
In the second half of fiscal 2019, we also introduced coaching training for management-level employees, designed to strengthen guidance and development in cultivating the ability to "think, judge and act on one's own," and, as an organization, to pass on human resource development practices to the next generation. Those who have completed a six-month cycle of training and practice are granted our internal coaching qualification. In addition to teaching, we encourage the growth and leadership of each employee through coaching and development, as we aim to create an organization that maximizes diverse talents and capabilities.
Initiatives to promote autonomous learning
We emphasize each employee's efforts to pursue professionalism and take the initiative to develop their own abilities. A cafeteria plan has been introduced in fiscal 2022 that allows employees to freely choose from an extensive menu of offerings, including correspondence courses, e-learning, language learning and certification classes, and attendance at business school, with support provided for tuition fees. Our "+ Friday Seminars*," established in fiscal 2021, cover a wide range of topics, including the latest business information, general education and health, and aim to promote a habit among employees, regardless of age or position, of using their free time to learn for themselves. In addition, in cases where the COVID-19 pandemic makes it difficult to hold group training, we have created an environment where employees can continue to enjoy opportunities to learn via online training and on-demand viewing of training videos. In fiscal 2022, the average number of hours of education and training spent on each employee was 28.8 hours.
*“+Friday Seminars,” which are seminars held at irregular intervals on Friday afternoons, provide opportunities to learn during the time created by “+Friday,” in which employees select one Friday at random each month to work only for the morning and then go home early.
Self-assessment system
Fuyo Lease has a self-assessment system in place for promoting the autonomous and continuous development of employees' skills. Once every year, individual employees submit a Self-assessment and Career Development form for declaring to the Company a list of abilities they have managed to improve, whether they have managed to expand the scope of their jobs, what kind of self-development efforts they are making and what areas of experience they would like to build upon for their own development. The Company uses information on the declaration form to understand each employee's plan for career development, and reflects it in its personnel measures.
Furthermore, the Company provides feedback to each employee on their current progress while attending various seminars in an effort to encourage employees to actively make use of various self-development programs.
Internal recruitment system
Fuyo Lease has a Trainee System and Internal Recruitment System in place for supporting active career development. Furthermore, we introduced and launched the Job Posting System in fiscal 2018, and the Job FA System in fiscal 2021 to give employees the chance to take on the challenge of doing a job that interests them.
The Trainee System is being applied in the overseas trainees' program and also the training programs of various departments such as credit decisions making and aircraft leasing departments.
We dispatch around six overseas trainees each year to our Group companies or overseas offices of financial institutions whom we trade with in countries and regions including the United States, Hong Kong, and Thailand. By working in day-to-day operations locally, the trainees aim to build their basic knowledge of international financial transactions and their language skills. The Company is also working overseas to expand in areas such as environmental energy projects and real estate leasing and finance in collaboration with business partners, and to strengthen its networks. In addition, by establishing trainee systems for operations that are indispensable to each business, we expect that businesses will be strengthened by human resources who have experience using those systems.
The Job Posting System was introduced as a framework for providing opportunities for each employee to develop by autonomously enhancing their knowledge and skills. In the system, the Company has job posts it offers, such as for department / branch manager, president of affiliated companies, specialized business departments, and credit departments.
The "Job FA System" basically allows employees who meet certain conditions to transfer to the department of their choice. This system was introduced with a view to maintain high levels of motivation.
Development of Human Resources Who Create High Added Value
In order to develop human resources who can address increasingly diverse and sophisticated business domains and create high added value, we have classified our skills structure into 3 levels. Programs that strengthen specialized knowledge, particularly at Levels 2 and 3, are being intensively developed and expanded.
Notably, in the language field of Level 2, we have started to provide training in which young employees work remotely on issues with overseas business people, in order to develop human resources capable of creating high added value in overseas businesses. In fiscal 2022, 24 employees participated in this training. All employees are taking part in e-learning to obtain basic knowledge of the digital transformation (DX) field, which is a key theme of the current medium-term management plan. At Level 3, employees enhance their specialization through such means as a system of incentive payments for the acquisition of certifications designed for each business domain and secondment to partner companies.
Moreover, with regard to Level 1, since fiscal 2017, the Fuyo Lease Group has been jointly conducting business skill training, focused on training for new recruits, career training, and management. As a foundation for pursuing synergies, this training serves as an opportunity to help share understanding of each company's business and culture.
A total of 275 group company employees took part in 15 training programs in fiscal 2022.
Certification promotion program
This program covers around 150 certifications related to specialized expertise in legal affairs, accounting, finance, languages, IT, real estate, healthcare, and other fields and provides support at successful completion in the form of tuition grants and incentive payments. The program is used every year by numerous employees.
Hiring and Promotions
In hiring and promoting human resources, we consider the knowledge and skills that will be required to promote business strategy and analyze the requirements of employees in their actual jobs. We define human resource requirements for the Group and work to continually hire people with high potential through networks with university career centers and other organizations.
Course transfer system
In order to respond to the diversifying needs of employees in relation to employment and skill development, Fuyo Lease has the Course Transfer System in place, which allows them to switch from administrative to generalist career tracks, or vice versa. A total of 15 people have used this system between April 2011 and April 2023, and they are now active in new fields.
Full-time employee challenge system
In April 2014, in order to further develop skills and expand the job scope of highly capable and motivated contract employees, Fuyo Lease introduced a new system of hiring contract employees meeting certain requirements as full-time employees.
Between the introduction of the system and April 2023, a total of 14 contract employees had been hired as full-time employees, and are working in the field of administration or sales administration.