General Meeting of Shareholders
In consideration of its shareholders, Fuyo Lease holds our General Meeting of Shareholders online and holds it at an early date to avoid days when there is a concentration of general shareholders' meetings, as well as sends out convocation notices early and posts them on our website. Additionally, in order to enhance the convenience of our shareholders in exercising their voting rights, we have made it possible for them to exercise the rights on the Internet.
Because we take the view that the general meeting of shareholders is a place for communicating with our shareholders, we aim for an open meeting, explaining reports in an easy-to-understand manner using images, charts, and tables.
Website IR Information
At Fuyo Lease, we have established the IR Information page on our website to convey the latest IR information in an easy-to-understand manner.
In addition, we also provide the IR information e-mail distribution service for free. Through this service, notifications to e-mail registrants is sent when the new IR information is posted online.
Financial results briefings
Fuyo Lease holds financial results briefings for institutional investors and analysts twice a year in May and November.
From the Fuyo Lease side, the president and investor relations executive (currently, representative director and deputy president) attend the briefings.
Individual meetings
In FY2023, we held individual meetings with a total of 50 companies (43 from Japan, 7 from overseas), primarily for main domestic and overseas shareholders and investors.
From the Fuyo Lease side, the investor relations executive (currently, representative director and deputy president) and Corporate Communications Office officials attend the meetings.
Main themes and items of interest in the individual meetings
Strategies and aims of the Medium-Term Management Plan Fuyo Shared Value 2026, Business Environment and Progress in Focus Areas
Impact of domestic and international interest rate trends on the Group's business
Shareholder Return and Dividend Payout Ratio
Actions to achieve cost of capital and stock price conscious management
Feedback for executive management and the Board of Directors
We periodically provide feedback to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee on interview details or opinions obtained from shareholders and investors during individual meetings.