Fuyo Lease Group’s mission is to contribute to the realization of a more prosperous society and it’s sustainable development by boldly taking on the challenge of creating new value through developing and expanding our business. We have established three visions (what we wish to achieve) to enable us to become a company group that is highly regarded by a multitude of stakeholders.
- Visions
The group that anticipates social changes and takes on the challenge of yet unseen issues
The group that is trusted by customers and works together to solve social issues
The group that grows with employees by supporting the challenges and growth of each employee
Fuyo Lease Group positions CSV (Creating Shared Value) which simultaneously enables solutions to social issues and improvement of corporate value at the center of our management policy. We are promoting the medium-term management plan “Fuyo Shared Value 2026,” and incorporate “Business and Human Rights” as one of our main CSV management measures.
Recognizing the possibility that the business activities we conduct could potentially have an adverse impact on human rights, Fuyo Lease Group has established this human rights policy (this “Policy”) in order to clarify our stance as a company that respects human rights. Fuyo Lease Group will, in accordance with this Policy, contribute to the realization of a society that respects human rights through our business activities.
This Policy was approved by the Board of Directors after deliberation by the Executive Committee.
- 1.Scope of Application
This Policy applies to officers and employees of Fuyo Lease Group (including temporary employees and contract employees; collectively the “Employees”). We also expect that our customers, partner companies, and all other stakeholders of Fuyo Lease Group will respect this Policy.
- 2.Upholding International Standards
Fuyo Lease Group will uphold international standards on human rights, such as the “International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights)” and the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” and will also fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights under the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” and “Children’s Rights and Business Principles.”
In addition, Fuyo Lease has endorsed and signed the “United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).” We also support the UNGC’s 10 principles related to the 4 areas of “ensuring human rights,” “eliminating unfair labor,” “addressing environmental issues,” and “preventing corruption” and will continue striving to realize the principals.
- 3.Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Fuyo Lease Group complies with the laws and regulations applicable in each country and region where we conduct business activities. If the laws and regulations in a country or region differ from the human rights standards recognized internationally, we pursue means to respect internationally recognized human rights standards.
- 4.Human Rights Issues in Business Activities
- (1) Forced Labor and Child Labor
Fuyo Lease Group does not tolerate forced labor or child labor or any form of modern slavery.
- (2) Discrimination
Fuyo Lease Group respects the diversity of individuals and all basic human rights. We do not engage in any action that violates human rights, and we do not tolerate discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, or other factors.
- (3) Labor
Fuyo Lease Group respects the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining that Employees hold in labor-management relations. We will protect labor rights, reduce excessive working hours, and implement other necessary measures in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We will establish a work environment where Employees can continue to work healthily, safely, and comfortably in an atmosphere of mutual respect without harassment or excessive work, and we will seek to create a corporate culture in which a diversity of personnel can thrive.
- 5.Human Rights Due Diligence
Fuyo Lease Group recognizes the possibility that the business activities we conduct and the services we provide could potentially cause or contribute to an adverse impact on human rights or become linked to such an impact. Fuyo Lease Group will conduct appropriate human rights due diligence to identify and assess any actual or potential adverse impact on human rights in relation to our business activities and to prevent and mitigate any such impact.
- 6.Grievance Mechanisms and Remedies
Fuyo Lease Group will strive to establish a mechanism for receiving requests for consultation and reports regarding human rights and for remediating and rectifying such pertinent issues in order to deal with human rights issues in our business activities. If it is found that our business activities could potentially cause or contribute to any adverse impact on human rights, or if it becomes evident that our business activities are linked to such an impact, we will promptly take remedial measures and strive to remedy the issues.
- 7.Dialogue with Stakeholders
Fuyo Lease Group recognizes the importance of understanding any adverse impacts on human rights from the perspective of the affected people and taking appropriate measures to correct them. We will seek to advance and improve measures for human rights through engagement and dialogue with stakeholders.
- 8.Education and Training
Fuyo Lease Group will distribute this Policy to all Employees and provide continued training to ensure that everyone understands this Policy and can act in accordance with this Policy in their own individual duties.
- 9.Information Disclosure
Fuyo Lease Group will disclose information on our website and via other appropriate means regarding the initiatives based on this Policy.
Established: May 18, 2022