Corporate Governance

Basic Approach to Corporate Governance

The Fuyo Lease Group places strong emphasis on creating and maintaining relationships with various stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, employees, and local communities. We believe that the fundamental and most important objective of corporate governance is to perform business activities with sincerity and fairness in line with the Group’s mission, vision and value and to achieve the management targets outlined in the Group’s Medium-Term Management Plan, Fuyo Shared Value 2026.

To achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value over the medium to long term, we have established our own Corporate Governance Guidelines which align with the purpose and spirit of the Japan's Corporate Governance Code. These Guidelines serve as the foundation for our corporate governance framework, operating policies and other management policies, to which we adhere to everything we do.

Corporate Governance Structure

Fuyo Lease employs the format of company with an Audit & Supervisory Board and has two outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members who are independent from our company. In addition, to further improve the supervisory function of the Board of Directors, four independent outside directors are appointed to supervise and advice on the execution of business operations from an external perspective.

Furthermore, to improve management efficiency and expedite decision-making by separating the management oversight function from the execution of operations, we have adopted the executive officer system.

For further details, please refer to: Fuyo Lease Group Report on Corporate Governance (PDF)

General Meeting of Shareholders → Election / Demonstrations → Accounting Auditors, 4 Auditors, Group Audit Division coordinated → Report → 9 Boards (4 of which executive executions, 5 non -business executions, chairperson in non -operating executive company) Advisory → Nominated and reward, 5 members of the Advisory Committee (only non -business executive directors, the chairman is non -business executive company director). Director from the non -business executive company) from the Inner Directors) → Cooperation with the President of the Director, Control, Control → Business Executive Division (Executive Officer, each department store, group company)/General Meeting of Shareholders → Selection/Destruction → Group Audit Department Four members, 9 Birthdays (4 of which executive executions, 5 non -business executions, chairs are non -business executive companies' directors), Report to President, accounting auditors, auditors, and group Audit Department Collaboration → President President Planning/Policy Approval → Group Audit Department, Management President Control → Business Executive Division (Executive Officer/Department Room Store/Group Company)/Compliance Committee Program planning/Report → 9 Board of Directors (Out of Directors (of which 4 executions, 5 non -business executions, chairman is not a director of non -business executive company) → Compliance Committee executes and promotes the program → Business executive department (executive officer, each department store, group company)/Shareholders' meeting → election Disclosure → Accounting Auditor → Accounting Audit → Business Executive Division (Executive Officer/ Department Room Store/ Group Company)/

Internal Committees

Compliance Committee

The Compliance Committee discusses matters related to the promotion of compliance systems and the formulation of compliance programs (annual plan).

CSV Promotion Committee

The CSV Promotion Committee directs CSV promotion and deliberates on materiality planning, etc.

DX Strategy Promotion Committee

The DX Strategy Committee directs overall DX strategies and deliberates on the development of frameworks for the promotion of the strategies and necessary IT systems and the formulation of sales strategies.

Business Risk Review Committee

Business Risk Review Committee deliberates on projects that have a significant influence on management and policies for initiatives regarding business models and monitors the status of business risk, including credit risk.

ALM Committee

ALM Committee deliberates on specific measures for market risk management, including interest rates, foreign exchange and price fluctuations and monitors market risk situations.

System Strategy Committee

System Strategy Committee discusses and promotes overall strategies for the Company’s IT systems.

Funds Investment Council

The Funds Investment Council deliberates on the establishment of investment limits regarding investment projects related to funds and monitors management status.

New Business Council

New Business Council deliberates on new projects that may generate new business fields.

The Group Internal Audit Division Committee

The Group Internal Audit Division Committee shares information, advises Group companies and promotes collaboration among the Group Internal Audit Divisions.

Corporate Governance Guidelines

In conformity with the purpose and spirit of the Japanese Corporate Governance Code, Fuyo Lease has established our own Corporate Governance Guidelines, which provide a foundation for corporate governance framework, operating policies, etc. The Corporate Governance Guidelines set out the framework, operating policies, roles, and responsibilities of different supervisory and executive functions, in addition to our basic approach to corporate governance. To achieve sustainable growth and increase our corporate value over the medium to long term, we adhere to these guidelines in everything we do across the Fuyo Lease Group.

For further details, please refer to: Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF)

Activities of Main Organizations

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is chaired by a non-executive internal Director and at least one-third of the board members are Independent Outside Directors. Additionally, non-executive Directors make up at least half of the board, ensuring a separation between execution and supervision. The Board of Directors deliberates and decides on important matters such as management plans and risk management, as well as matters stipulated by laws and regulations, and supervises the execution of duties by Directors and Executive Officers through monthly management reports and regular reports for each business domain.

In fiscal 2022, the Board of Directors met 12 times. The attendance rate was 100%.

Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee

Fuyo Lease has set up the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee as a voluntary advisory body of the Board of Directors to ensure objectivity and independence in the process of determining nomination of officers, remuneration, etc. The members and Chairperson of the Committee are non-Executive Directors. The Committee deliberates on the nomination of candidates for appointment as Directors or Audit and Supervisory Board members or removal thereof, remuneration for Directors, succession plans for President & CEO, and the analysis and evaluation of overall effectiveness of the Board of Directors. The Committee then reports its findings to the Board of Directors. The content of such findings is determined based on the consent of all members present at the meeting, or when such consent may not be obtained, on the consent of a majority of the members present at the meeting.

In fiscal 2022, the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee met 5 times. The attendance rate was 100%.

Audit & Supervisory Board

According to the audit plan formulated by the Audit & Supervisory Board, each Audit & Supervisory Board Member audits execution of operations by directors by attending important meetings, reviewing important documents, examining operations and assets, and by hearing the audit findings of the Group Internal Audit Division. Audit & Supervisory Board Members work closely with the Group Internal Audit Division and Internal Control Departments to enhance audit quality. At the request of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members, an employee (a staff member from the Board of Directors Operations office) has been appointed to assist them.

In fiscal 2022, the Audit & Supervisory Board met 13 times. The attendance rate was 100%.

Attendance at Board and Committee meetings (attendance in FY 2022 by board members, as of June 23, 2023)

Name Position Attendance at Board and Committee meetings
Yasunori Tsujita Director and Chairman
Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Board of Directors: 12/12
Chairperson of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee: 5/5
Hiroaki Oda President and Chief Executive Officer (Representative Director) Board of Directors: 12/12
Soichi Hosoi Director and Deputy President (Representative Director) Board of Directors: 12/12
Keiji Takada Director and Deputy President (Representative Director) Board of Directors: 12/12
Yusuke Kishida Senior Managing Director Board of Directors: 10/10
- (Elected in June 23,2022)
Seiichi Isshiki Director (Independent Outside Director) Board of Directors: 12/12
Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee: 5/5
Hideo Ichikawa Director (Independent Outside Director) Board of Directors: 12/12
Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee: 5/5
Masayuki Yamamura Director (Independent Outside Director) Board of Directors: 12/12
Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee: 5/5
Hiroko Matsumoto Director (Independent Outside Director) Board of Directors: 12/12
Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee: 5/5
Yoshito Tsuruta Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member Board of Directors: 12/12
Audit & Supervisory Board: 13/13
Masaharu Nakamura Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member Board of Directors: 10/10
Audit & Supervisory Board: 10/10
- (Elected in June 23,2022)
Takashi Yonekawa Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Independent) Board of Directors: 12/12
Audit & Supervisory Board: 13/13
Hiroshi Imoto Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Independent) Board of Directors: 12/12
Audit & Supervisory Board: 13/13

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is composed of Executive Officers with positions of Managing Executive Officer or higher, the heads of the Corporate Planning Division and Human Resources Division as well as the presidents of affiliated companies. Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members also attend meetings of the Committee on a regular basis.

As a general rule, the Executive Committee meets at least once a month to make decisions on operating activities and implementation of measures delegated to the President & CEO, and to discuss important issues concerning internal controls. Its aim is to improve the quality of management decisions and to speed up decision-making.

In fiscal 2022, the Executive Committee met 20 times.

Compliance Committee

Fuyo Lease has set up a Compliance Committee chaired by the Chief Compliance Officer and vice chaired by the Group Legal and Compliance Division Officer. The heads of relevant planning and administrative departments, the heads of relevant departments of domestic and overseas subsidiaries serve as full-time committee members, and outside lawyers serve as outside members. The Compliance Committee meets quarterly to discuss issues related to compliance systems and implementing annual compliance plans. Based on its discussions the Committee submits reports to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and takes measures to develop and enhance compliance systems.

Internal Audit

The internal audit function is administered by the Group Internal Audit Division (staffed by nine employees). The Group Internal Audit Division conducts operational audits of all departments, offices, branch offices, and major subsidiaries, and plays a part in ensuring that internal controls are functioning in addition to examining their effectiveness. The results of these audits of operations are reported to the President & CEO and Audit & Supervisory Board Members every time they are conducted and periodically to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

Internal Control System

Fuyo Lease has instituted an internal control system across our corporate group to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and the articles of incorporation, capability to respond to various risks in a timely and appropriate manner, and to ensure transparency and efficiency of operations, in addition to ensuring the reliability of financial reports, etc.

The Group Internal Audit Division, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and accounting auditor share information about audit findings to monitor the status and operation of the internal control system. The status of the internal control system operation is reported to the Board of Directors during a meeting held at the end of each fiscal year, and continuous improvements are made in the light of the audit findings.

Initiatives to Improve the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Fuyo Lease is engaged in a number of initiatives to ensure active and substantial discussions at its Board of Directors’ meetings. Regarding the analysis and evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Board of Directors, a questionnaire was administered to all directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members and interviews were held as necessary. After deliberations and reporting by the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee (with the committee’s secretariat being assisted by our corporate lawyers), of which independent outside directors comprise the majority, the results of the analysis and evaluation were resolved by the Board of Directors.

Evaluation process (corporate lawyer assists the secretariat)

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.
    Composition, etc. of the Board of Directors
  • 2.
    Roles of the Board of Directors
  • 3.
    Operation of the Board of Directors
  • 4.
    Frameworks for supporting Outside Officers
  • 5.
1 Survey to all directors and corporate auditors→2 Interviews conducted as necessary→3 Deliberation and report by the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee→4 Analysis and evaluation by the Board of Directors→5 Formulation and implementation of response policies based on evaluation results (PDCA cycle)

FY2022 Evaluation Results

The effectiveness of the Board of Directors was confirmed as its size, composition, functions, roles, operation, and all other evaluation items were recognized to be appropriate. It is necessary to continue to steadily promote and further establish measures to improve the functions of the Board of Directors and to constantly review the Board of Directors in response to changes in the internal and external environment.

Progress on Issues identified last fiscal year

Issue 1 Further improvement of the Board of Directors’ functions

FY2022 Initiatives

  • Changed the Chairperson of the Board of Directors from being the President and Chief Executive Officer, the top execution position to a non-executive Director (The Director and Chairperson, a non-executive internal Director, assumed the role of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors following passage of a resolution by the Board.)
  • Transferred authority to execution by reviewing the criteria for submission stipulated in the Regulations governing the Board of Directors.
  • Started initiatives in the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee to advance succession planning.
Issue 2 Steady progression was made on the Medium-Term Management Plan and further deepening of CSV management

FY2022 Initiatives

  • The Board of Directors received reports and deliberated on the progress status updates from each business domain, achievement status of each non-financial target and progress of the DX strategy, etc.
  • Conducted a management audit to measure the degree of Mission, Vision and Values prevalent within the Group.
Issue 3 Further enhanced information provision to Outside Officers

FY2022 Initiatives

  • Conducted Outside Officer workplace inspection tours (twice in total) that had been delayed by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Future Issues and Initiatives

We recognized as issues that need to be addressed as continuing to advance the succession plan, enhancing deliberation further on medium- to long-term themes and CSV management and the need to better provide information to Outside Officers.

Strengthening Corporate Governance

Fuyo Lease has implemented various initiatives aimed at strengthening corporate governance.

Year Initiative Objective
2015 Increased the number of independent outside directors from one to two To strengthen the management oversight structure
Established the Corporate Governance Guidelines To comply with the Japanese Corporate Governance Code
Set up the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee To ensure independence and objectivity in the decision-making process for matters such as nomination and remuneration
2016 Started analyzing and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the Board of Directors To verify the effectiveness of the roles and functions, etc. of the Board of Directors and to make ongoing improvements
2018 Increased the number of independent outside directors from two to three To strengthen the management oversight structure
Introduced a stock remuneration plan (Board Benefit Trust, BBT) To strengthen links between board remuneration, shareholder value, and achievement status of the Medium-term Management Plan
2019 Released an English version of the Corporate Governance Report To enhance external disclosure related to corporate governance
Began reporting annual internal audit results and annual plans and policies to the Board of Directors To expand reporting lines for internal audits
2021 Increased the number of independent outside directors from three to four To strengthen the management oversight structure
Revised Corporate Governance Guidelines To comply with revised Japanese Corporate Governance Code
2022 Appointed a non-executive Director as chairperson of the Board of Directors Separation of execution and supervision
Comprised the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee of non-executive Directors
Regarding indicators used for the calculation of performance-linked remuneration based on the new medium-term management plan, changes were made to financial items and non-financial items were added. To ensure the achievement of financial and non-financial targets in the new medium-term management plan

Director Qualifications and Nomination Procedures

Policy and procedures for nominating and removing Directors and nominating candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Our Corporate Governance Guidelines set forth procedures for nominating and removing Directors in addition to the qualifications of Audit & Supervisory Board Members and procedures for nominating Audit & Supervisory Board Member candidates. Under these guidelines, a Director or Audit & Supervisory Board Member candidate must possess an outstanding character, a wide breadth of knowledge, abilities, experience, and high ethical standards. The guidelines also specify that candidates be nominated regardless of factors such as sex, age, and nationality, with the aim of achieving greater diversity. To ensure fairness and transparency in the nomination process, the selection of candidates for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members is finalized by the Board of Directors following a discussion by the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, which is comprised of majority Independent Outside Directors. Selection of Audit & Supervisory Board Member candidates is finalized by the Board of Directors upon consent of the Audit & Supervisory Board.

Independence standards for Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Independence standards for Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members are stipulated in the Corporate Governance Guidelines in line with the independence standards prescribed in the Guidelines Concerning Listing Management, etc. established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Skills Matrix

[Director] Yasuta Tsujida | Status, etc. Business Execution Status: Chairman/Directors' Chairman/Directors/Directors, etc. Advisory Committee: Committee Chair/Eight years/Eight years/Especially expected fields: Corporate management (industry) (finance) (finance) (Bank/Lease)), IT/Technology and Human Resources Fostering and Internal Control and Management, Hiroaki Oda | Business Execution Status: President (Representative Director)/President Executive Officer/Nomination/Reward Advisory Committee: No/enrolled Older: 2 years/Especially expected fields: Companies, etc. (industry) (finance (bank/leasing)) and global business, Satoshi Hosoi, etc. Business execution status: Vice President of Director/Vice President/Executive Officer/Executive Officer/Vice President Advisory Committee for Nomination/Remarks, etc.: None/Number of years of enrollment: 9 years/Especially expected fields: Corporate management (industry) (industry), finance and accounting, global business and internal control and management, Katsura Takada | Status of Status, etc.: Vice President of Directors (Representative Director), Vice President Executive Officer/Nomination/Reward Advisory Committee: Nameless/Customer: 3 years/Expected fields: Corporate management (industry) (finance (finance)) Lease) and Global Business, Yusuke Kishida | Status, etc. Business Execution Status: Advisory Committee, etc., Senior Managing Director/Senior Managing Executive Officer/Nomination/Rewards, etc. (Finance (leasing)), financial accounting and internal control/management, Seiichi Ichizumi | Status, etc. Business Execution Status: Directors (outside/independence)/Advisory Committee, etc. Field: Corporate management (industry) (resource) (resources/energy), financial and accounting and IT/Technology and internal control/management, Hideo Ichikawa | Directors (external/independent)/Advisory Committee, etc. : Committee/number of years of enrollment: 5 years/Especially expected fields: Corporate management (industry) (chemistry/manufacturer), global business, human resource development and internal control/management, Masayuki Yamamura | Independence)/Advisory Committee, etc.: Committee/Members/Enrollment years: 3 years/Especially expected fields: Corporate management (industry) (industry), financial and accounting, IT/Technology and internal control and management, Matsumoto Hiroko | Status Operation Execution Status: Directors (outside/independence)/Advisory Committee, etc.: Committee/Council: 2 years/Specially expected fields: Corporate management (university education, industry -government -academia collaboration, product design) And human resource development [Audit & Supervisory Board] Yoshito Tsuruta | Status Business Execution Status: Managing Affairs and Supervisory Board of Auditors/Nomination/Rewards, etc. ) And Financial Accounting, Masaharu Nakamura | Status of Status Operations, etc.: Managing Board of Auditors/Audit & Supervisory Board of Auditors/Nomination/Rewards, etc. And financial accounting and internal control/management, Takashi Yonekawa | Status, etc. Operational Execution Status: Audiences (Outside/Independence)/Nomination/Rewards, etc. Advisory Committee: None/Advanced age: 2 years/Especially expected fields: Companies, etc. Management (industry) finance (insurance), financial accounting and global business and human resource development, Hiroshi Iwomoto | Status status of status: Audiants (external/independent)/Nomination/Reward Advisory Committee: None/Number of years of enrollment: 2: 2 Year/especially expected fields: Company management (industry) finance (international finance) and global business and human resource development and internal control and management
  • (Note)
  • 1.
    The above table does not show all the insight and experience held by each Director and Audit & Supervisory Board Member.
  • 2.
    Of the 13 Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, 12 are male and 1 is female. Years in office are calculated based on the number of months.

Director Remuneration

Fuyo Lease has a basic policy to link Director remuneration to corporate performance and shareholder value to boost their morale and motivate them to improve the Company’s financial performance and share price, ensuring stable performance and growth, while enhancing corporate value.

Regarding determination of remuneration for individual Directors, the basic policy is to set it at an appropriate level, taking into account each Director's respective responsibilities and other factors. The Company has introduced performance-linked remuneration and stock-based remuneration (Board Benefit Trust (BBT)) as variable remuneration systems, in addition to base remuneration provided as fixed remuneration.
The amount of performance-linked remuneration is determined based on factors such as consolidated performance, degree of contribution to Company performance and efforts to address medium- to long-term management issues. Performance linked remuneration is determined according to consolidated business performance and contribution made by each officer to the performance. The stock remuneration plan is designed to further clarify the link between officers’ remuneration and the value of the Company’s shares and to further raise officers’ awareness of contributing to improving business performance and increasing corporate value over the medium to long term.

Taking into consideration the average ratio of remuneration in listed companies and other factors, the ratio of remuneration and the breakdown of variable remuneration are as shown in the chart below.
Directors’ remuneration is discussed by the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee to ensure greater transparency and objectivity.

Internal Directors who do not execute operations are paid fixed remuneration and stock based remuneration, while Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Outside Directors who have supervisory functions are paid fixed remuneration only because the concept of performance based remuneration and stock remuneration is not suitable for the nature of their duties.

Fuyo Lease stipulates in its internal rules that if a Director causes significant damage to the Company or engages in inappropriate conduct, etc., the Director will be subject to a reduction or non-payment of their base remuneration or performance-based remuneration, or cancelation of their right to receive stock remuneration.

Internal Director Remuneration Composition

Basic reward (determined by reference to the general level of our employee remuneration and executive remuneration, the management status of the company, etc.) 1: Floating reward (performance -linked remuneration / stock reward) 0.7 Achievements Interviews 5: Stock Remarks 7 Achievements The reward is determined according to the consolidated business and the contribution to each person's performance. Index / financial items related to performance -linked remuneration: Management income, ROA, equity ratio, ROE (consolidated basis) / non -financial items: Funds for promoting decarbonization, human resource development related expenses (single base) share remuneration is (If the director meets the requirements of the receipt and retires, the company acquired by the trust (for a certain percentage, the company's shares are equivalent to the benefit of our shares at the time of the resignation. money)

Remuneration of Board Member (Fiscal 2022)

Board Member classification Total amount (millions of yen) Breakdown of remunerations (millions of yen) Number of Board Member Applicable
Basic remuneration Performance-linked remuneration Non-monetary remuneration
Directors 360 228 54 76 11
(Outside Directors) 48 48 - - 4
Audit & Supervisory Board Members 66 66 - - 5
(Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members) 21 21 - - 2
  • *
    The above performance-linked remuneration comprises the amount, which shall be recorded in fiscal 2022.
  • *
    Non-monetary remuneration is a board benefit trust (BBT). The amount of the BBT comprises the amount recorded in the fiscal year based on the number of points granted or expected to be granted during the fiscal year.