To improve customer satisfaction
The Fuyo Lease Group strives to provide services that can flexibly and promptly respond to the diverse needs of customers by setting its Management Philosophy as "maintain customer's first philosophy, providing best services."
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Customer-Oriented Business Policy
Fuyo Lease is a Type II financial instruments business operator who invites its clients to participate as investors in Japanese operating leases. We have established the Customer-Oriented Business Policy based on the Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Conduct issued by the Financial Services Agency in March 2017. Based on the Policy, we are committed to providing our clients with services in a sincere and fair manner.
Responses to financial ADR system
The Financial ADR System (Alternative Dispute Resolution System in the area of finance) was established in April 2010 to resolve financial issues quickly, flexibly, and conveniently. Under the System, certain providers of financial services are obliged to conclude a basic contract with an institution on the performance of procedures, if there is a designated dispute settlement institution, and to take grievance and dispute resolution measures if there is no designated dispute settlement institution.
With regard to the money lending business, we concluded a basic contract on the performance of procedures with the designated dispute settlement institution, and took grievance and dispute resolution measures for the Type 2 financial instruments business, which does not have a designated dispute settlement institution.